Saturday, 21 November 2009

Wakka vs Luxating Patella vs Cryptorchidism

In August 2009, Wakka was diagnosed with medial patellar luxation for both of his knees.

Prior to this diagnosis, Wakka was also diagnosed v cryptorchidism since small... Baddd... huh?! ='(

Wakka was bough to his vet, Dr. Yeoh after I discovered him stopping and crying out loud in his mid-run at the same time limping and hopping only with his left leg. Strange thing was, after a several minutes he went back to his normal gait. I tried to flex and extend his knees while feeling around the area. I felt a “pop” when his knees were flexed and something was bouncing towards the medial. With his knee flexed, he was reluctant to extend it and walk.

“Luxating patella?” I asked myself. My guess was confirmed when Dr. Yeoh did the physical examination on him.

So wat causes a patella to luxate and wat on earth is cryptorchidism??!!

Luxating Patella:
(info taken from

At the end of dog’s femur, the patella sits in the trochlear groove. Along side of the groove are trochlear ridges. All these, together with patella ligament and muscles, they keep patella in place.

Anatomical structures of a normal dog’s knee – anterior view
Picture taken from Veterinary Surgical Services, "Patellar Luxation"

Sometimes the trochlear groove grows to be shallow allowing the patella to move outside of the ridges. It can also be because the extensor muscles are also misaligned medially or laterally causing bowleggedness. A patella can luxate medially or laterally. For Wakka they luxate medially and bilateral, thus a hereditary issue. A lateral patellar luxation is caused by an injury.
Medial luxation of the left patella

Picture taken from Veterinary Surgical Services, "Patellar Luxation"

(info taken from

In Wakka’s case, one of the undescended testicle was remained within the abdomen and the other one was half way through the inguinal cannel. The undescended testicle is usually underdeveloped and non-functional, although it is a potential source of problems later in life (especially cancer) if not removed.

So… I decided to let him undergo the "Medial Luxating Patella Repair" surgery plus bilateral castration of his undescended testicles (since general anaesthesia is needed for both surgeries, might s well done together)
Wakka after surgery wearing the "umbrella" to prevent him from biting and licking the wound

The shaved legs n surgical wounds =(

Surgical wound from the "Medial Luxating Patella Repair" surgery with stitches and my lousy bandage
Bilateral castration of his undescended testicles, the right abdomen and the left scortum

Wakka after surgery could only walk and stand with his front legs.. sobs..

Front leg (left) shaved for IV purpose during surgery

The recovering Wakka.. tired n emo face..

Though he has risk of developing arthritis in future(complication of luxating patella n its surgery)..
still wish him healthy forever..
God bless him..

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Gin & His Babyhood

Gin boy
Blue doll doll
The baby Gin Gin pics

Gin chan y the lan si face??

Big head baby
Cute face ^^

Doll doll on the see-saw

Time flies.. Gin is an adult now.. he has short legs n is 19cm in height

Though he's nt here anymore.. was taken away by bad ppl =(
hope he lives a very happy life forever

Ringgo's Childhood

Ringo girl
black and white doll doll
The pics when Ringo was young..

1st day in the airport.. Yummy?

Ringo looks sleepy....

Hi Ringo.. what's up v the big big eyes n curious face?

Ringo likes the playground =)

Rigo has white fur under her mouth n her chest.. like a tie.. it makes her looks soooo cute ^^

When Wakka Was A Kid

Wakka boy
red doll doll
the fat greedy boy n his baby pics

The little Wakka who bark at me whn i 1st saw him
Running under the sun.. he's a hop hop hoppy boy.. never ran properly
Looks sad huh??
He has very pretty features =)

Even now he's in his adulthood.. Wakka never weigh more than 2kg
yet he has a big n round tummy lolz

Ponyo Baby Timesss

Ponyo girl
red toy doll doll
Ponyo in her baby at 4-5 months time...

1st day quarentine in the airport..

Was she thinking of her hometown??

Back home =) in my room

Pretty baby

Likes to run around

Ponyo is currently v my sis Esther ^^

The adult Ponyo on my sis bed.. s pretty s she was a kid ^^

The Kido Cookie

Cookie boy
Cream toy doll doll
These r pics whn Cookie was bout 3-4 months old =)

1st day at home

Hiding shyly besides his new carrier
He was so small that he could fit in between the car and the mirror

He likes to stick out his tongue
He is a cream toy poodle
Cookie has big eyes ^^
Looks like a dool =)

Now... Cokie is a big mischievous boy lolz


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